Why Mental Health First Aid?

Mental Health First Aid teaches you how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. This 8-hour training gives you the skills you need to reach out and provide initial support to someone who may be developing a mental health or substance use problem and help connect them to the appropriate care.

Who should take it:

  • Employers
  • Police officers
  • Hospital staff
  • First responders
  • Faith leaders
  • Community members
  • Caring individuals

What it covers:

  • Common signs and symptoms of mental illness.
  • Common signs and symptoms of substance use.
  • How to interact with a person in crisis.
  • How to connect the person with help.
  • NEW: How to administer naloxone in the event of an opioid overdose.

The course will teach you how to apply the ALGEE action plan:

  • Assess for risk of suicide or harm
  • Listen nonjudgmentally
  • Give reassurance and information
  • Encourage appropriate professional help
  • Encourage self-help and other support strategies


For more information contact: Chris.Kost@ymcanorth.org or Alyson.Sauter@ymcanorth.org